How to get from Munich to Prague

About traveling from Munich to Prague

Through Munich and Prague, you will see both sides of post-war Europe: the flattened and restored, and the carefully protected and preserved. Each city will let you experience the rich culture and architecture of Central Europe. Between Munich and Prague are some exceptional sights, including the grand Kuchlbauer Tower, lovely Regensburg and Pilsen, beautiful Zbiroh Chateau, labyrinthine Koneprusy Cave, and majestic Karlstejn Castle. However, the only way to experience these is to book a private car transfer with Daytrip.

How to get from Munich to Prague

If you’re travelling from Munich to Prague, you have several travel options. For travelers on a budget, the bus is the cheapest way to travel from Munich to Prague. The fastest way to travel from Munich to Prague is by train or car, though a car is of course the best way to travel from Munich to Prague since it’s so convenient. It’s also possible to take a flight from Munich to Prague, though with airport waiting times it is a slower and more expensive option.

Munich to Prague by train

To travel from Munich to Prague by train, you need to get to the Munich Hauptbahnhof and purchase a ticket to Praha Hlavni Nadrazi, or you can buy your tickets in advance online. The earliest train is at 4:44 AM, and the last train is at 4:43 PM, with trains departing every 2 hours. The train from Munich to Prague is operated by the rail company Alex, with train tickets from Munich to Prague costing €39 on average for the 5.5 hour trip. The distance from Munich to Prague is about 300 kilometers.Trains have bathrooms on board, and usually offer a dining car.

Munich to Prague by bus

To travel from Munich to Prague by bus, you will need to get to any of: Munich Hbf, Munich ZOB, or Munich Frottmaning P+R Parkplatz, and purchase a ticket to Praha Hlavni Nadrazi or UAN Florenc.  While you can buy your ticket at the station, it’s best to purchase them in advance. The earliest bus is at 12:10 AM, and the last bus is at 11:40 PM, with at least 2 busses leaving every hour at peak times. The bus from Munich to Prague is run by Flixbus, Eurolines, and Regiojet,  with bus tickets from Munich to Prague costing between €15-€60 for the 5 hour trip. The distance from Munich to Prague is about 300 kilometers.Almost all options offer direct service from Munich to Prague.

Munich to Prague by Flight

To travel by plane, you need to get to Munich International Airport. As usual with flights, you’ll want to buy your tickets in advance. For travelling such a short distance, only direct flights make sense. The plane tickets cost €100-200 for the 50 minute flight from Munich to Prague. It’s recommended to arrive at the airport 2 hours before the flight, making this an inefficient option given the price. 

Munich to Prague by Private Car Transfer

For speed and convenience, a private car transfer with Daytrip is the best way to travel from Munich to Prague. You will be picked up at your accommodation, and the driver will take care of your luggage. You’ll then be able to enjoy door-to-door service to your accommodation in Prague, and can even add sightseeing stops on the way!

Book a Private Car Transfer from Munich to Prague

Going the other direction? Check our guide on How to get from Prague to Munich

Team Daytrip

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How to get from Prague to Munich


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